Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Writing Short stories

As usual

writing a short story isn't just that. I have a problem finishing those stories


they don't stay short...

and then I don't finish them


Monday, September 5, 2011

Kaichou wa Maid-sama

So, accidentally I found this anime called Kaichou Wa Maid-Sama.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not one to usually watch anime's with maids or school type settings, but this anime is a keeper.

The main character is Misaki Ayuzawa, she is president of a school called Seika High, which was previously an all boys school until then magically becomes co-ed. She comes from a poor family because her dad abandoned them. That in turn, leads to an interesting weak spot of hers, her job is at "Maid Cafe". You can guess what kind of place that is right? No? Its basically a cafe that caters in maid uniforms! Awesome right? Yeah, at first it was kinda iffy, but its worth the watch as you will see in progressive episodes. LMFAO funny!

The description says the boys are terrifying and what not, but they're just regular guys in high school: pervy, stinky, and after girls. Misaki is super protective of the girls, she does everything in her power to make their school lives easier, of course at the cost of her own. And of course, there is a love story ;P

There are two possible candidates, but I won't spoil it :P

There are a few twists in the story and the ending was a bit surprising, so watch it and see if you'll like it too :P its awesome.

Here's the wiki if you want full details:

You can find it on youtube.com subbed :D

Last but not least

Walking along side
a trail, of forgotten bones,
and dead drones,

I've forgotten
how sweet
you sound,
and how intricate your
tidals waves can crash.

Our days end into nights,
that begin our lives
and end our fights.

Somewhere deep down
we're alive.


Monday, February 7, 2011

Corpus Callosum

Corpus Callosum

Two sides of a flipped coin
Warped to times perceptions.
Extinguish the plains that grow from
Tartarus, and we can see the tar
That accumulates from our sin.

Make what is left of us,
A known traditional banquet.
We learn not only by cerebral cortex but also from the
Great amygdala who tells us whether we should fight
Or run, and codes us from anger or fear.

Let the cerebellum
Find its muse
As we assure the brain stem
Will walk fine lines.

The hippocampus rejoices with us,
Our youth and old age.


We split with old age, as the new rises. We give freedom within a new term and redeem what we seem to encase as individuals. Renew the times spent as blind-sight. Let Thomas Henry Huxley and Prince Kroputkin lead us into illusory creation. Reiki is an aura safeguard, feel the sensation and not the cause.

Oh how I admire those who make the sun safe as they lose their limbs, we travel in ignorant bliss unaware or at least uncaring of the Phantom Limb Syndrome.

We pay back with our money but not our words or concerns. As far as we are concerned money is enough.

But money is never enough.

We travel this world with such eyes of hate, lust, ignorance, doubt and pity. Our eyes tell us tales but our aptitude to compensate and rationalize are weighed by societal and cultural norms. See that as a time but not as a crime.

Eating disorders become a norm, as well as Heroin Chic. We can Capitalize these opportunities of destruction of others and call that business. Starve your malnourished selves and see if we care, no one looks at you. Why should we?

It takes time to win a current,
it takes blood to wash away sin.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Times have changed, people onced frenzied with Family became dazed with crazy. No longer are those eyes of troubles and anger, now are just blank. A hectic storm of confusion and helplessness reside. Get through the day with the thought of everyone being safe. Safe, a word of security and bliss. So many triggers link safe and crazy together.

Family, selfishness, greed, insecurity, and blindness.

Robbed of secure and safe nights,
only the words of no conscience speak.

Leave and let the depression subside
so we can live our "normal" life again.

A swirling vortex
is my eternal mindset,
yet again.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 1

So its been said that the eyes can be a portal to one's soul. If we can see the pain and misery that lies within our eyes can we heal the hurt? Is the guise too much for us to consider? Whats really inside determines who we are:our principles, our morals, our actions. Can we blame society for its effects or can we raise to the occasion and over power the pressures? Our eyes grow old with age, but does anyone notice? Who is to blame if children grow into serial killers? Can we apprehend their innocence if the change unveiled itself?

No. Our influences of the steady stream of who cares and who doesn't give us some direction. Our parents, family, and friends, they help us cultivate understanding to the growing world around us. I can't say whether the events of my childhood held my bearing in place. But I keep hearing what a wise person said to me, "some people aren't strong enough to hold onto sanity." If that's true, then why do pompous bodies have the right of mind? Is it because the balance needs to be upheld?

A sunset adding the seal of closure.
Watching as our eyes adjust to the brilliant tinge of orange glow,
we wait. The clouds return to their families as the wind softly blows reassuringly a sweet song.

The Beginning

So, what events have transpired to form this new stream of steady patience?
Maybe one too many sleepless nights.
It maybe a neutral time and place for this familiar guise to appear. Yet, the harvest is as sweet and inviting as ever alluring in ways it did not imagine. Past transgression have been evaluated and whats more, tempting. The urge and craze, of feeling swept away by the current main stream. Rushing whats to be done is foolish enough, but acting rashly earns the title of a fool.

The arts have called a gathering here, on this blog. Where I will display my mediums and only aim to please my muses. 

This blog,
is purely created for expression.