Monday, February 7, 2011

Corpus Callosum

Corpus Callosum

Two sides of a flipped coin
Warped to times perceptions.
Extinguish the plains that grow from
Tartarus, and we can see the tar
That accumulates from our sin.

Make what is left of us,
A known traditional banquet.
We learn not only by cerebral cortex but also from the
Great amygdala who tells us whether we should fight
Or run, and codes us from anger or fear.

Let the cerebellum
Find its muse
As we assure the brain stem
Will walk fine lines.

The hippocampus rejoices with us,
Our youth and old age.


We split with old age, as the new rises. We give freedom within a new term and redeem what we seem to encase as individuals. Renew the times spent as blind-sight. Let Thomas Henry Huxley and Prince Kroputkin lead us into illusory creation. Reiki is an aura safeguard, feel the sensation and not the cause.

Oh how I admire those who make the sun safe as they lose their limbs, we travel in ignorant bliss unaware or at least uncaring of the Phantom Limb Syndrome.

We pay back with our money but not our words or concerns. As far as we are concerned money is enough.

But money is never enough.

We travel this world with such eyes of hate, lust, ignorance, doubt and pity. Our eyes tell us tales but our aptitude to compensate and rationalize are weighed by societal and cultural norms. See that as a time but not as a crime.

Eating disorders become a norm, as well as Heroin Chic. We can Capitalize these opportunities of destruction of others and call that business. Starve your malnourished selves and see if we care, no one looks at you. Why should we?

It takes time to win a current,
it takes blood to wash away sin.